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$24.95 $16.20 USD
Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2008-10-01
ISBN: 9781550924251
Format: Digital - 288 pages
Size: 7.5" x 9" (w x h)
BISAC: NATURE / Plants / Trees

Wild Foresting (PDF)

Practicing Nature's Wisdom

There is an emerging revolution in wild forest relationships. Wild foresting has evolved from ecoforestry, going far beyond merely having a minimum impact on the world, to sustaining and promoting forest health, and biological and cultural diversity. Wild foresting promotes the responsible use of forests, connects indigenous knowledge systems and unites a great variety of local practices tailored to unique forests around the world.

Prize-winning experts dedicated to reconciliation in human-wild forest relationships have contributed their stories to this comprehensive, in-depth anthology. The authors give accounts of how wild foresting is being practiced around the world, with such diverse activities as:

  • Wild farming
  • Wild crafting
  • Adventure therapy
  • Restoration
  • Permaculture
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Education

Wild Foresting is presented in eight thematic sections that discuss topics as varied as tree meditation, wild humans, and ecophobia. Case studies from the Amazon, Australia, Norway and Thailand illustrate how wild foresting principles are adapted to different cultures and how emerging practices are fusing ancient knowledge systems with contemporary ecological studies.

A fascinating and informative walk in the woods for everyone concerned about biodiversity, ancient forests, indigenous cultures and endangered species.

About the Authors

Alan Drengson is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Victoria, founder of two journals, including The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy and Ecoforestry. He was one of the founders of the Environmental Studies program at UVic and one of the founders of the Ecoforestry Institute. He has published numerous articles and books.

Duncan Taylor as Assistant Professor was the first full time faculty appointment in Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria. He is the author of numerous books and articles.

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Wild Foresting

Practicing Nature's Wisdom

by Alan Drengson and Duncan Taylor